In the hideously overgrown mass of wilderness edging the yard we found the remnants of the outhouse. Now people such as myself, who have no normal interests, get inordinately excited at thoughts of antiquated human waste receptacles. If you are more well adjusted you might wonder about an entire post dedicated to this topic, so I'll throw in a paragraph at the end about my kitchen diagram to tip the scales toward the more socially acceptable side of life. I've known about the outhouse since we signed on the house in July, it was really hard to get a good look at it though because of the maze old sumac, grape vines and other flora that had completely engulfed it. I just assumed, as with most other things here, that we were looking at the original outhouse dating from the mid 1800s. Once some of the overgrowth was trimmed away it became apparent by looking at the nails that this was not the original necessary. can't have everything. Since it's in such rough shape I guess we're just going to raze it. Maybe I'll put some raised beds in that spot.
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The one seat is still present and has its cover, the other is just a hole. |